School Uniform
Here is a list of the uniform your child will need:
Girls: White polo shirt with school logo; blue jumper or cardigan with school logo; grey skirt, dress or trousers; grey or white socks or tights; plain black school shoes. Gingham summer dress or grey shorts.
Boys: White polo shirt with school logo; blue jumper or cardigan with school logo; grey trousers or shorts; grey or white sock; plain black school shoes.
Bags: School backpack with logo and school PE bag with logo.
P.E. Kit: White T-shirt, black jogging bottoms or shorts, plimsolls or black or white trainers.
Please note: For health & safety reasons, only watches and stud earrings can be worn. All other jewellery is not allowed.
Remember to write your child's jumpers, cardigans and coats to help prevent them from getting mixed up.